Is This Doubt?

Conan O’Brien.

That one name brings to mind many things for many people. For example, red head, comedian, power, tenacity, and so much more.

After having watched his documentary, Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop, I got the feeling that I am not doing enough with my self and with my time. I have felt that I have many ambitions and so many things I want to do, but I don’t know where to start.

I have a feeling that I meant for greatness in this life. Call it arrogance, call it a delusion, but whatever you call it it doesn’t change how I feel.

Perhaps spending the last eight years of my life immersed in Japanese culture is a start, but where do I go from here?

Everyday I see stories of people my age that have gone to do great things. I personally feel like I have accomplished at best, a smidgen of what is possible in this life. I don’t want to feel like I am wasting my time. Most of all I want to create a legacy. To be honest, as far as I know, not many in my family are known for much. That isn’t a jibe at the people I love, but merely an observation. I want to be the first in a long line to break free of the past and show the world what I have to offer.

The only question is how?

About kkoelling86

Live life as you would a video game. Kill the bad guy, save the girl, and enjoy the hunt for extras.
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1 Response to Is This Doubt?

  1. lori stewart says:

    Most people who achieve greatness are not looking for it (actors and athletes may be an exception.) Find something you think you could love doing the rest of your life and go for it. When you figure out what it is do it the very best you can. Find people who are really good at it and watch how they do it. If you can talk to them. Pick their brains. Ask if they will be your mentor. I find that being useful to others is more satisfying than helping myself is but I never aspired to greatness. By reflecting on what you want/need to do you have already begun your quest. you must keep doing this regularly for the rest of your life because what is right for you now may not be the thing you want in 10 – 20 years. Whatever it is I know you can do it well.

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